Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wii Journeys....a Lesson in Entrepreneurship (and sanity for Mom)

Although it's very nice having a housekeeper to clean up & do laundry, I've also been concerned that I did not bring the kids to Ghana to become a little prince & princess. It's hard enough at home to get them to clean up after themselves and help around the house - worse here when they know that when they head off for school in the morning, the magic wand of tidiness will have been waved and all will be in order when they return home. Another big theme around here: the kids really want a Wii - something they know I won't buy for them. This morning, during a fit of arguing, complaining and generally being indignant when asked to do basic things - I thought up a plan that I HOPE will kill several birds with one stone (I don't really want to kill any birds, but I would like the kids to stop bickering about whose mess is whose and relentlessly begging me for a Wii).

We sat down and had a little talk about entrepreneurship - how to please your customer, how to proactively find ways to generate revenue and the importance of getting along well with your business partner. We even got into how to conduct business in a socially and environmentally responsible way. Voila! "Wii Journeys...where WE work together to earn our Wii" was born. The kids have a house tidying services business where they do everything from dishes to taking out the garbage to making breakfast (and cleaning up afterwards). Luckily, I fall right smack dab into the middle of their target audience - tired moms who need a little peace, cooperative children & completion of light household tasks and who are willing to pay for a service done well. So far, I've had pancakes (old favorite with a new twist - accidentally overloaded with too much vegetable oil and deliberately augmented with chocolate), the dishes done, a load of laundry put in the machine, garbage taken out and the shoes lined up neatly. Currently, my favorite household services firm is in the other room, cooperatively designing logos and invoices.

At least for the moment, I am one very happy customer!

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