Thursday, November 26, 2009


Today was one of the best Thanksgivings I've seen in a while.  My mom thought she was leaving last night, but when we arrived at the airport, they informed her she was a day early!  So, she was here for most of the day today.  The kids had exams at school so mom and I had a leisurely day that started with a swim (for me - she sat on the veranda and had coffee), mom's first pedicure ever and a nice lunch.  I roasted a chicken (didn't come across any turkeys), made mashed potatoes and gravy & it felt a little like Thanksgiving.  The best part was spending much of the day thinking how very grateful I am.  Here's my list in no particular order:
  • Health.  The past couple of Thanksgivings have been marked by surgeries and post-surgical complications.  This year, I feel stronger and healthier than I have in almost 3 years.  I forgot what it feels like to be able to swim and play in the ocean with the kids and to have my strength back and for the kids to know that Mommy really is ok. The kids are healthy, thriving and happy.  That's about as good as it gets.
  • Friends and Family.  We are so blessed with how many people love & support us in so many ways near and far.  There are so many people here that have become part of our lives in such positive ways.  I love hearing from all of you that are far away and who connect with us by email, phone and just by sending love our way.
  • Adventure.  Our lives are fun, interesting and never boring.  Yes, I get lonesome, yes, there are days that are challenging and when I'm exhausted and wonder just what part of me thought moving to Africa with 2 kids would be a good idea.  AND, every day, there are new things that I learn about myself, about the world and about what I "thought" I knew.  Everyday, I watch the kids grow in such amazing ways and with such a depth of understanding about the world and what it means to be....human. 
Today, I'm just thankful - for all of it.

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