Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Week in Review

A quick recap of the past few days: Cedric left for the US. Couldn't nail down a job here, but has something promising in Cyprus on the horizon. Yes, Cyprus, An island, but not the one we thought he'd be on! So, still no resolution in that department - he could end up in Cyprus, Vashon, Ghana....just about anywhere. In the mean time, I'm back to single to parenting in Ghana while holding down a pretty big job. Somehow, it all works - thankfully, mom is here for another couple of weeks, my housekeeper is helpful & I have great staff at work that help out however they can.

The very next night, Xavier had a coughing attack that was scary - he couldn't stop coughing for a couple of hours & was having a hard time breathing. Thankfully, I had signed up for a service called West African Rescue Association (WARA) that provides on-call consulting, house calls, private ambulances and access to the best doctors and hospitals. They came to the house & we ended up taking Xavier to the hospital to be seen by a doctor. The WARA guys were amazing, the hospital was much nicer than expected and Xavier ended up being fine - a perfect storm of enlarged tonsils, allergies & a virus. It was a long night for both of us.

Today, I was driving around with the kids & my Mom to do a bit of shopping. I went straight through an intersection from a turn lane and was pulled over. Long story, but basically my choices were 1) to be escorted to the nearest police station to be fined & likely end up in court which would mean spending the rest of the afternoon in hot, sweaty, bureaucratic hell or 2) pay a bribe to the officer - who insisted we "talk" about it away from her commander who was still at the intersection. So, for a modest 10 cedi (about $7), we were on our way home, have a good story to tell, were slightly entertained and I had my first near arrest. Cool.

Oh, and our water is out again today. Seems we went through our entire reserve tank of 2500 gallons in about a week! Obscene, especially considering I feel like I've barely showered all week! I think the guy who works around the yard is a bit over zealous in the watering of the plants. So, we're waiting - hoping - water gets delivered by this evening.

Well, that covers the highlights of this week.....I don't even dare to presume to know what's in store for next week!

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