Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Water: going with the flow in Ghana....Part II

I have a new appreciation for water.  Running water.  Not having running water when you're in a village and can pump from the well or go to the bathroom in the bushes is one thing.  Not having it in the city where those options don't exist is another thing all together.  Here is how water has eluded us in the past several days.

The government is working on a major waterline which means my neighborhood & many others have been without water for weeks.  We're all on backup tanks & pumps.  For the 2nd time in a week, we ran out of water Saturday. We had no water most of the day and water was finally trucked in Saturday evening. Of course, the outage happened when I hadn't showered for 2 days, so I was desperate.  Then, I woke up this morning....no water. I knew there was no way we could have run out of water so quickly.  We'd all been so diligent about conserving.  I went out back and discovered the pump was not running.  Got it working for about a minute. Then, nothing. Called the plumber at 7:30am, said he'd be right over.  Called him at 11:00, said he'd be right over.  Finally showed up about 3:00 just to let me know that our pump was broken and he'd need to "find" another and would definately install it tomorrow.  Ha.  I'm not that much of an optimist.  Looking around, I survey the scene:  Xavier is covered head to toe in so much dirt and sweat that his body is making mud.  Sophie is also sweaty but not as dirty.  Mom has been in the house all day with no water.  Both sets of school uniforms are filthy, so no school uniforms for tomorrow.  I'm leaving at 5am tomorrow to travel to the North and would really love a shower before I leave.  No water for hand washing, no water to flush, no water for bathing, no water for cooking & doing dishes.  Had the brilliant idea to stay at a hotel.  Every hotel I called was sold out tonight, so I finally found 1 room at a small hotel nearby. This was great, except all of us seemed to have our digestive systems working really well.  Sorry if it's TMI, but this is life.  Soon, the toilet in our room was....full.  And, the toilet won't flush!!!  The handyman's not around until tomorrow morning and there are no other room options.  So, here we sit, Sophie, Xavier, my mom and me....in a hotel with a toilet that won't flush but at least grateful we aren't squatting in the backyard!

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