Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sophie Vs. Grandma Photo Shoot-off - Need your vote by Friday, Nov. 20

We took a trip to Kumasi this past weekend.  During the nearly five hour drive (which included one episode of car sickness and a strategically placed ziploc bag), Sophie and Grandma challenged each other to a photo shoot-off.  Here are the rules:  there are 3 categories 1) best nature photo 2) best person photo and 3) best overall photo.  The photos had to be taken during our trip to Kumasi and the winner receives the joy of wining plus 1 Ghana cedi per each category won (about 75 cents - prize money generously donated by yours truly).  A fierce competition ensued with each participant going to any length - from leaning out of car windows in traffic to bribing locals to ensure a shot that was competition worthy.

The photos are available for viewing by clicking here

We need YOUR help - please take a look at the photos and send me an email by clicking here with your vote for best nature, best person and best overall - the captions on the photos tell you what category they're in and are listed as A and B.

Please vote by noon Pacific Time on Friday, November 20th.  I'll post the winning entries by Friday night.

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