Monday, August 31, 2009


Just back from a weekend on the "Gold Coast". More on that in the next blog. For now, I'm just going to focus on our visit to the Cape Coast castle. The Obamas just visited there on their trip to Ghana. It's an old slave fort where thousands of slaves who were captured from their villages were "stored" until they were sent on slave ships to other lands. It was stunning to feel the energy of the place, walk into the dungeons and see real shackles used on people. We were able to touch a rock that the slaves used to pray on before heading onto the ships. It was truly amazing. Standing in the "male dungeon" where hundreds of male slaves were held with only a couple of tiny holes in the rocks for air and light, I was stunned to find out that the Europeans had built an Anglican church directly on top of the dungeon. So, while hundreds of humans were sick, scared, tired, in pain and in hell, the Anglicans were singing songs of praise to the heavens. Unimaginable.

It made me come to the simple conclusion: this has to stop. Whites have to stop enslaving blacks. African tribes have to stop hurting other African tribes, in order for us to have a lasting and loving world, we all have to stop hurting each other - and using God as the excuse.

A plaque on the wall said it all "In everlasting memory of the anguish of our ancestors. May those who died rest in peace. May those who return find their roots. May humanity never again perpetrate such injustice against humanity. May we, the living, vow to uphold this."

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