Sunday, April 25, 2010

Finally in London

After much chaos, flight delays and a fascinating stopover in Libya, I am finally in London.  The handshake at the airport worked and I my name magically showed up on the flight manifest for Afriqiyah Airline's first post-ash flight to London. The people who showed up at the airport in Accra with boxing gloves did not make the flight.  Seems that faith and charm were the more effective tools this time. 

I'm not quite sure how to describe Tripoli.  There was something odd about the general energy in the airport - everyone was pretty much flying through to other places, I'm not sure many people actually leave the airport there and i'm pretty certain I was the only American in the whole place.  The landscape was really dilapidated and it all felt a bit eerie.  I spent $5 on 3 post cards of Qaddafi.  Very overpriced, but I wasn't exactly in the position to bargain.  I just couldn't resist the image of him in those sunglasses that look like they've been sitting on his face since he stepped into power in 1972. 

London has been a wonderful breath of spring air.  I've been really tired, so mostly just resting in the little studio flat where I'm staying, with a few outings to local markets.  Being here makes me realize how hard it is living in Accra.  All the little conveniences - healthy food available at reasonable prices just down the street, being able to walk places without melting or being hit by a crazy tro-tro driver, fast and reliable internet and the general orderliness of it all. 

Thanks to all of you who have been emailing and calling with your support.  I really, really appreciate it and it's making this trip a bit easier.  I'll keep you all updated on how things go.  I'm just glad to finally be here!

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