Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Homeward Bound

After 2 weeks in London of poking, prodding and every test known to modern medicine, I'm finally heading back to Ghana later this week.  All in all, I've got a few underlying conditions that are manageable but have one very fatigued body that got a bad infection in Ghana and that never has fully recovered from 4 years of staggering physical and life changing events.  I've got to eat even healthier, get more consistent rest, reduce stress and generally hope that I don't get another infection anytime soon.

I miss the kids and puppies desperately but Cedric has done an amazing job of holding down the fort while I've been away which has made being here easier.  I think everyone will be happy to have mommy home but might be a little bummed when I open my bags and they're filled with wheat grass, raw food bars and herbal supplements :) 

Despite the conditions for being here, London has been a really amazing respite.  The medical system here has been holistic and world class on every level and I've been staying in a studio flat close to the clinic where I've been receiving care.  It's near Marleybone High Street, a very high-end part of town with an abundance of cool shops and little cafes a short walk away.  I'm feeling spoiled being able to walk to get fair-trade, organic cappuccinos, nap in the afternoons and be able to snack on rocket salads and stone oven pizzas anytime.  I've seen a couple of dance programs and a Pulitzer prize winning play, Ruined, that was set in the Congo. 

I have to get myself mentally prepared to return to Ghana.  I've been coddled with traffic lights that people actually obey, indicators painted on the street corners telling pedestrians which way to look for cars, level sidewalks with covered drains and a general sense of orderliness that is one piece of British influence that hasn't yet "stuck" in Ghana!  I can't wait to get back to the color and chaos of it all......

My favorite British motto - an old World War II propoganda poster that pretty much sums up life for me........

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