Saturday, June 26, 2010

USA v. Ghana

Here we are, the kids' final days as residents of Ghana and the USA and Ghana are matched up in the World Cup.  Who will we cheer for?  It's an interesting metaphor for the feeling of being torn between the excitement of heading back to our true home and the sadness of leaving the little country that has captured our hearts in so many ways. 

But, when it comes to football, the answer was immediately clear:  GO GHANA.  As I've writeen so many times before, football here isn't just a sport.  It's a representation of a small country that achieved independence, is advancing democratically and economically and the powerful sense of hope and possibility  that prevails here.  When the Ghanaian footballers stand for their national anthem, they can often be seen praying, nearly weeping and generally in a sense of such reverence for their country and all it means to them.  The fans are the same - while watching, it's not uncommon for someone to stand at half time and sing "God Bless our Homeland, Ghana".  A goal can move people to tears.  In the past few weeks, people everywhere have been spending their precious few cedis on a Ghanaian flag to drape across their car or a football jersey knock-off to wear proudly around town.  Young women can be seen walking around in threes - one in red, another green, the last in yellow.  The three making their own verion of the Ghanaian flag. 

So, for all that Ghana and football represents, we will be cheering GO GHANA this evening as the Black Stars put their all into beating the odds once again......

1 comment:

  1. Compliments for your blog and pictures included, I invite you to see the photo blog,

    Each week released a new album

    "Let's play the game"

    Greetings from Italy

