Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pupdate (puppy update)

We're working on getting pup #1 - Zig Zag - all trained before pup #2 - Rosie (as in the Riveter) arrives in late March.  Zig is an animated, smart little thing who seems to think Xavier is just another puppy.  Xavier is learning to be the "AB" (alpha bitch) and also learning that it's best to wear clothing when there's a small puppy who jumps up and nips at anything that's.....dangling.  We're taking Zig to a dog trainer.  Ends up this guy is the ultimate AB.  He trains guard dogs and, as he puts it, "knows everything there is to know about dogs".  Sophie decided that was an invitation to find something that would "baffle" him. She probably will.  The guy is a total character - missing a few teeth, sipping whiskey, over 6 feet tall - all bark and no bite - makes it clear he likes dogs and not people.  But, he's a good dog trainer and our little pup will be ship shape in no time (I hope). 

We took Zig to the beach last weekend.  It was a bit overwhelming for him, as you can see in the photo below.  But, we figured that any dog of ours has to be able to hang at the beach and take in a bit of adventure......

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