Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Riding into the New Year

Aaaah, after spending an amazing week at Axim Beach on Ghana's West Coast (near the Cote d'Ivoire border), we are getting back into the school/work routine.  The kids had a full month off due to a mis-guided swine flu scare and we (ok, I) decided that is WAY too much unstructured time.  I had a much needed break over the holidays and am starting the year rejuvenated and ready for the many project deadlines coming up in the next several months. 

The kids started horseback riding lessons a few weeks ago.  I take them to the nearby military base where I pay about $5.50 each for them to have a 1 hour lesson.  At that price, we're going twice a week!  A colleague from the US just returned from a visit to the States with new paddock boots &; riding pants for the kids - items not found in Ghana.  As I was sitting at the base, watching the kids ride, the sun set, women & kids waiting in line for water and the base camel walking around, I realized that we have officially moved from the "survival" phase (e.g. where do I get toilet paper, how do I drive here, what line do I stand in at the bank) into the "there's more to life than work/school/sleep/procuring supplies" phase.  We finally have a few signs that we are settling in - horseback riding, a new tent (currently pitched in the living room) for beach camping , dinner at a friends' house, a few key Twi phrases and my driving has progressed from "Vashon Island Casual" to "Accra Combat" - using the horn instead of the breaks.  We are practically native (ha!).

1 comment:

  1. Kirsten, are you from Vashon Island? I live on Bainbridge and I am doing some humanitarian work in Axim. I'd be interested in comparing notes. Could you email me at I'll be in Ghana later this month.

    Hope to hear from you!
    Regards, Leif Pederson
