Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ashes, Adenoids and Airplanes

I haven't really blogged much. In the past 6 weeks, in this order: my dad died (on Sophie's 10th birthday), I headed off to Ghana and Uganda for a "getting ready to move" mission, we had my Dad's memorial, Sophie had her tonsils & adenoids removed and now, finally, I'm thinking perhaps I'll be able to focus on getting packed up.

I am trying to enjoy the moments - smelling the sea air, the extreme low tides only summer brings, hanging out in bed on a Sunday morning (right now!) with 2 blond cuties (my kids) and seeing everyone I love. But, I have to admit, panic sets in at least once a day when it seems that every little task ends up having 8 more steps than I had anticipated (canceling utilities, Ghanaian visa application, international driver's license, paying bills, registering the kids for school in Ghana, finding a home for the cats, plotting out the move logistics, filling out insurance forms). Well you get the idea. It daunting. Such an amazing lesson in taking things one moment at a time and trusting everything will get done. Oh, and it's also a good lesson in the thing I'm worst at - asking for help!!!!!!

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