Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We're moving to Ghana....seriously

Yes, it's true. The G's are off an yet another adventure. I took an amazing job with the Grameen Foundation - things moved rather quickly. Cedric agreed to pack up his life and come along, so the kids could have this amazing experience AND be with both of their parents. No, we're not getting back together, just working through our own "stuff" so we can effectively co-parent these 2 amazing little monkeys and give them an experience we both had always hoped they'd have.

We're in the whirlwind of wrapping up life on our beloved little island, looking towards starting a 2-year stint in the unknown of Accra, Ghana and trying to enjoy the summer on Vashon. We're leaving for Ghana sometime around Aug. 15th. I'm heading down mid-June to check out offices, meet local work partners, find a house & choose a school for the kids.

That's about all I can get out of my tired brain right now....more later. Thanks for coming on this adventure with us!

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